April 18, 2016
We have started giving Rocco hemp oil, not the type with the THC in it, but even this type is suppose to help. He doesn’t really like the taste, which surprised me. So I am just giving him a tiny bit with each meal until he maybe gets use to it, or doesn’t mind it.

According to K9addict website – these are the benefits of hemp oil for dogs. All dogs, not just dogs with cancer:
- Improves condition of the skin and fur.
- Reduces shedding and dandruff.
- Strengthens the immune system.
- Supports good heart health.
- Supports healthy organ function.
- Healthy Growth and Development.
- Anti-inflammatory
- Positive effects on brain function.
- Positive effects on fertility/reproduction.
All of these things sound great. I think it will be a great addition to his food. I also give him about 6 ounces of raw goats milk a day, and he takes his antiinflammatory meds each day (twice a day). I think he is actually feeling a little better. He seems more playful and is sleeping really well.
I have been adding boiled chicken to his food. He loves it. I just want to spoil him. If he is uncomfortable at all, I cant really tell. But he loves to eat – so I am doing what I can to keep him as happy as possible and food is one way I can do it. We have also been going for rides in the car a lot, and going for walks. He even got to play at the dog park a few times in the past week or so.
I cant figure out how to post videos on here. I have some great ones of him playing at the dog park (we only go when no one is there). CLICK HERE TO VIEW one of them. He just loves running around sniffing all the trees and ‘marking’ them. He is such a great dog. Hope we get to have him in our lives for quite a while longer.
Just realized is birthday is next week. I want to have a birthday party for him!!!