Out of the blue, Henry is sick.

I haven’t made many posts on here, but the dogs have been great! Elsie had her 8th birthday in April, and Henry just had his 5th last week (Aug 16). Henry has been a super healthy guy! Strong, and no health issues at all since he got neutered.

The dogs sleep in our room. Henry sleeps in a crate, and Elsie wherever she wants. Its funny because I actually trust Henry more, he doesnt get into things. But he wants to be in the crate!

Anyway, he has always been a noisy sleeper, grunts, groans and snores. But one night last week he woke me from a dead sleep and he was breathing really loud, and fast. I was afraid he was going to hyperventilate. I opened the crate door and he was sound asleep! I woke him. He looked at me and then went back to sleep. The noisy breathing happened 3-4 times. It was concerning to me and I knew something was wrong.

So the next morning I called the vet. He asked if Henry had any other symptoms. Nope! He is perfectly fine. He said to watch him and if it happened again, or if anything else happened, bring him in. The rest of that day, Henry was great! He was Playful, normal self. Labs love to play and he is no different.

That night we went to bed as normal. Both dogs start on the bed so we can cuddle a little, then Henry will hop up and go into the crate. Well, while he was laying on our bed, he started breathing really hard again, and very fast! It was scary to me! Woke him up. Then he was fine for a while. He went into the crate and was fine for a while and then it started again. Several times. He would wake up and move and be quiet for a while, then it would start. I didnt sleep much that night.  And then the next morning he didnt want to eat. What? Labs eat everything and anything! This is the first time ever that he had not gobbled up his food.

So I called the dr and got an appt for later that afternoon. At the doctor appt he was perfectly normal. His weight was good (103lbs), he was acting normally, his eyes were bright, skin shiny, slightly damp nose, gums normal color, no ear infection, no fever. Nothing was wrong! His vet decided to do some bloodwork to see if there was something going on that he couldn’t see.

August 2024